Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nero (Day 36) (414 miles hiked)

Ever since the Department of Justice shut down the three largest poker sites in America, hiking has been a bit harder. Overnight, myself and thousands of other poker players lost our jobs. There are no unemployment checks coming our way and I don't think Bono is going to put on a benefit concert for us.

And while the rest of the poker community is fighting this in Washington, I'm trying to justify being out in the woods. Sometimes, I feel like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burns.

Anyway, I met a friendly girl a few days ago who showed me what a Christmas fern looked like. Then she told me that ants taste like lemonade. I'm not sure if any of what she said was true, but I'm glad I met her because now when I see an ant, I'm not thinking about the Department of Justice. I'm thinking, "Freshly squeezed or the powdery Country Time crap?"

And fortunately, there are a LOT of ants out here.

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