Saturday, May 7, 2011

Time Off (527 miles hiked) (Day 46)

I was in pretty bad shape as I left Tennessee.

I was nearing the end of a 14 hour, 40 mile deathmarch fueled by caffeine and testosterone. I crossed the state line and as the adrenaline died down, I was suddenly aware that the blisters on my heels had become a serious problem. I woke up the next morning, looked at my feet, and realized that I wasn't going to be able to hike again for days.

I wandered off the trail and ended up at a farm owned by a Appalachian Trail legend named "Mountain Man." Mountain Man first hiked the trail 30 years ago when he was 11 and has hiked the trail many times since. He was happy to feed and house me while I recovered if I agreed to help a bit around the farm. So I spent a few days milking goats, feeding pigs, and building a shack big enough for 8 geese to live in.

After three days I was ready to hike again, but honestly, it was hard to leave behind Mountain Man and the animals. He offered to let me stay longer and I was tempted, but the trail was calling and the longer I stayed, the harder it was going to be to get moving again.

I walked on.

And while I still miss the farm, I was definitely grinning as I walked through the Grayson Highlands. I was back in my home state of Virginia, I was surrounded by rolling hills and grazing ponies, and as I played Proclaimers song on my headphones, I crossed the 500 mile mark.

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