Monday, March 28, 2011

…And Then The Rain Came (Day 10) (104 miles hiked)

A few of us hikers were feeling pretty confident as we left Hiawassee, Georgia. We thought we were ready to continue north toward the Smokies and pass through Franklin, North Carolina without stopping.

But the rain caught us off guard and while we walked 12.5 miles up and down mountains, water leaked into our packs.

After spending about an hour in my tent hating life and singing 99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall to distract myself, I feel asleep in a cold damp sleeping bag. While I slept, a mouse ate his way into my food sack and dined on my trail mix and cashew nuts.

No one skipped Franklin. While the rain continues, most of us are heading to the local Outfitter to buy better equipment while the rest of our gear hangs outside of our hotel rooms, filthy and soaking wet.

1 comment:

  1. I have been to Franklin quite a few times. Nice town. Cool people. Every year they have a contest to see who can roll a pumpkin down a hill and have it go the farthest before it hits something and explodes. Safe travels!
    Cathy Alexander Poley
