Saturday, March 19, 2011

My First Trail Companions (Day 1)

After taking a quick photo on Springer Mountain, I joined the parade of hikers who plan to walk from Georgia to Maine in the next 7 months. Today, I met two of them: Rick and Gunner.

Rick was in his 50s and out of shape. When I met him, he was standing halfway up a mountain, leaning forward with his hands on his knees, panting for breath, and looking like he was about to vomit. I asked him how he was doing.

Fine, he lied. I shrugged my shoulders and continued up the mountain without him.

I didnt find out his name was Rick until later when the next guy I met, Gunner, told me that Rick had turned around a few miles back and decided to go home. Gunner was also seriously rethinking his decision to walk the Appalachian Trail. I didnt blame him. Gunner was about 61, 270 pounds, and he asked me twice if I had any weed. After a short talk, I left Gunner behind as well.

I doubt Ill ever see Rick or Gunner again, but considering only about 1 out of 10 who start the trail in Georgia actually finish, maybe its good thing that Im running into people less prepared than me. Mathematically, it gives me hope.

 This man on Springer Mountain's plaque bears no resemblance to either Rick or Gunner.

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