Thursday, June 23, 2011

Solo (1050 Miles Hiked) (Day 95)

I’m not sure why I bailed on the road trip.

Torch, Hardback, and I planned an epic journey out west that was going to hit several major national parks, but I ended up choosing to stay back east and continue walking north on the Appalachian Trail by myself.

I guess I could justify my choice not to go west by saying that I was worried my leg muscles would atrophy if I took too much time off or that I was concerned that I’d lose my focus on the AT or I just didn’t want to leave something half finished.

But that’s all probably BS.

The rational part of my mind that’s coming up with all those excuses is really just a passive observer in a car that’s being steered by unconscious forces that I don’t completely understand.

I don't know why I didn't go west and honestly, I don't care. The "why" doesn't matter.

All I know is that I have 1100 more miles to go and instead of worrying about why I’m walking them, I’d rather just throw my hands up in the air and enjoy the ride.


P.S. Hardback,Torch, and Mousebait--It's been a blast and I'm going to miss the hell out of all of you.

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