Saturday, January 29, 2011

49 Days Until Springer Mountain

I don't like blogs.

I consider blogging to be the lowest form of written communication ever invented. It ranks just below spray painting your name on a highway overpass. (Spray painting and blogging are pretty much the same. The only major difference is that occasionally, people read what's written on a highway overpass.)

All I really wanted was a simple way to occasionally reassure friends and family that I haven't yet been mauled by a bear, bitten by a rattlesnake, or forced to squeal like a pig. Mass emails are annoying and there is no way I'm taking the time to write individual emails while I'm hiking, so this seemed like the only remaining option.

Oh well. Now that it's come to this, I guess I might as well pack a can of spray paint. The trail crosses several major highways.

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